Get paid faster
Power Your Business With Raistone
Raistone finances billions of working capital annually within the utilities industry. As a world-leading fintech, Raistone enables utility engineers, installers, repairers, and more to get paid early on invoices due to them.
Contact us to learn more about how Raistone working capital solutions for the utilities industry will help you unlock the cash you need to grow your business.
Raistone is a trusted industry partner, financing billions of dollars of working capital to vendors of the nation’s largest utilities companies.
*Actual number of days may vary
A leading distribution and transmission construction company servicing utility companies across North America needed an immediate solution to provide liquidity against their largest asset: a growing accounts receivable portfolio.
Raistone initially provided a $17MM facility, but the client quickly needed to service increased volume, and the facility rapidly expanded to more than $35MM.
Raistone’s invoice discounting solution provides a higher advance rate of 90% to 100%. The program does not require any changes to the client’s workflow, while removing the uncertainty of extended payment terms or downgrades.
Thanks to Raistone, the client was able to service larger programs, expand into new regions, and remove cash flow constraints and uncertainties.
Our partners
Raistone enables the world’s largest enterprise software firms, including SAP, NetSuite, and dozens more, to deploy an embedded working capital finance tool for millions of users.
Raistone’s working capital solutions for the utilities industry will help you excel in these turbulent times.
What is receivables finance?
Receivables finance is a cost-effective solution that greatly improves your company’s working capital. Raistone can help utilities engineers, installers and repairers, and more accelerate payment of invoices due to them. Raistone technology enables you to get paid faster, empowering you to invest in your business, buy materials, hire additional staff, and more.
Is this a loan program?
No, receivables finance is not a loan.
Will the way I submit my invoices change?
No, your process will stay the same. You may choose which invoices are included, or automatically get advance payment on all receivables.
How long will it take to get set up?
A receivable finance facility can be up and running within a matter of weeks.
Who is Raistone?
Raistone is a world leading fintech that has financed billions of dollars in utilities receivables. Through a receivables finance program, Raistone will purchase your receivables, providing you access to cash much faster.
How do I enroll or obtain additional information?
If you have further questions, please fill out the form on this page. Someone from of our team of financial experts would be happy to help.