Solutions for Buyers

Flex Pay

Flex your terms: Flexible payment schedules allow your company to pay suppliers on time, eliminate late payment penalties, and retain more cash, with no effect on your suppliers, via Raistone-provided financing.

Flexible payments

How Flex Pay works for businesses and their suppliers

Flex Pay rapidly enables companies access to flexible payment schedules. The company’s suppliers will still get paid on their current terms with no changes to their processes.

Example: Your company extends payment to 60 days, with no change to your supplier’s 30-day payment.
Day 1: Invoice Submitted

Invoice created for $100,000

Your business receives an invoice from a supplier

Your company receives invoice from one of your suppliers for $100,000. Working with Raistone, your company reconciles the invoice and requests:


    • Supplier is paid on the due date at net 30 by Raistone


  • Your company pays a servicing fee to extend making payment to net 60
Day 30: Supplier Paid On Time

Raistone pays supplier $100,000

Your supplier gets paid on their normal date

Raistone arranges for your supplier to be paid on their original terms at full face value.



Your company does not yet pay, however, as you have extended their payment terms by an additional 30 days, with no effect on your supplier whatsoever.

Day 60: Company Pays 30 Days Later

Your company pays $100,000 + service fee

Your business extends payment by 30 days with no impact on supplier

Your company has extended their payment terms to 60 days, even though your supplier continues to get paid at day 30. To enable this seamless transition to longer payment schedules, your company pays a service fee.



Flex Pay empowers businesses to control their cash position and better manage their funds.

Day 1: Invoice Submitted
Day 30: Supplier Paid On Time
Day 60: Company Pays 30 Days Later

Benefits of Flex Pay from Raistone

No supplier involvement ensures there is no disruption to your supply chain. Suppliers are still paid on their regular schedule.

Flexible repayment options from Raistone mean your company can better manage its cash flow and ensure suppliers are paid on time, eliminating late payment penalties.

Rapid onboarding, thanks to advanced fintech from Raistone, means your company can get up and running with financing quickly.

A proven alternative to supply chain finance if your company cannot extend terms to their suppliers.

Complementary to existing programs including SCF & Dynamic Discounting.

Interested in Flex Pay for your business? Let’s get started.

Raistone is on the forefront of providing equitable access to capital and addressing financial needs for businesses of all sizes, in all segments. With facility sizes ranging from $50,000 to $500 million, our team of global financial experts can find the right solution for your business.


Tell us a little more about yourself and your business, and someone from our team of financial experts will be in touch to help you gain extended payment terms, putting more cash on your balance sheet, without disrupting your supply chain.