Working Capital Solutions

Your business is a great candidate for Supply Chain Finance, Accounts Receivable Finance, and Dynamic Discounting. With Raistone, your company can get paid now for invoices that are due at a later date while also maintaining or extending payment terms without disrupting your suppliers. Someone from our team of financial experts will be in touch!

Our solutions

Supply Chain Finance
Stabilize your supply chain
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Maintain or extend payment terms to control your cash flow, all while unlocking lower-cost access to working capital for your suppliers.

Accounts Receivable Finance
Accelerate your payments
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Get paid weeks or months earlier on invoices due to your company at a later date, and receive paid up to 100% advance rate without incurring debt.

Dynamic Discounting
Gain flexible payment terms and pay your suppliers faster
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Drive cost savings and earn risk-free returns on your available cash, all while supporting your suppliers.

See how working capital finance can work for your business

With powerful financial tools from Raistone, businesses of all sizes can benefit. Accounts Receivable Finance empowers suppliers to get accelerated payments, while Supply Chain Finance allows buyers to maintain or extend payment terms without impacting their suppliers. Here’s how they both work:

Day 1

Supplier submits invoice for early payment

Day 5

With Raistone, supplier gets paid 60 days early

Day 65

Supplier’s buyer pays invoice on normal due date

Day 1

Invoice submitted to buyer by supplier

Day 5

Buyer’s supplier is paid 40 days early

Day 45

With Raistone, buyer’s payment terms are extended

Day 60

Buyer pays initial invoice 15 days later than before

Stabilize Your Supply Chain

Many suppliers find it difficult to wait 45, 60, or 90+ days to be paid on invoices when they need working capital to fulfill new orders. In this whitepaper, Raistone details how there is as much as $4 trillion worth of invoices outstanding on any given day in the U.S., as businesses frequently wait as long as 180 days for payment.

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