January 20, 2023 | Raistone

Meet the Team: Lisa Sunderman, Director of Enterprise Risk Management

Lisa is the Director of Enterprise Risk Management at Raistone, focusing on helping the Raistone team think about gaps and intentionally manage risks. In her role, Lisa supports Raistone, its investors, and its clients to successfully meet their goals.

Lisa began her professional career as a CPA practicing public accounting. She has vast experience leading audit and risk management for insurance companies, community banks, and credit unions. “From the beginning of my career, I learned how clients view their CPA as a trusted financial advisor. I always wanted to help my clients with more than just compiling financial statements and tax returns — I wanted to ensure the success of their business,” shares Lisa.

Lisa joined the Raistone team in June 2022. “I was looking for something exciting and interesting, and that’s how Raistone caught my attention,” said Lisa. “At Raistone, everyone is always trying to solve problems to help our clients,” explains Lisa. Lisa also enjoys being in an environment that is continuously growing and creating innovative solutions. “I appreciate that the way Raistone grows is intentional and thoughtful,” Lisa shares.

Because of Lisa’s experience, she knows that CPAs are partners who are looking at a business’s financial situation and financial goals and are in the position to give them sound advice. In recent years, advising clients on funds available through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has been a top priority for CPAs. Most recently, it’s been important for CPAs to advise qualified clients on money available from the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). By having Lisa oversee Raistone’s servicing of the ERCs, we have increased our ability to identify qualified clients and find eligible capital, allowing us to better serve our clients.

“Businesses are waiting months, and sometimes even over a year, to have their credit processed by the IRS. Raistone’s program is ideal for CPAs who are looking to provide their client with immediate funds that they can use to generate stability and to grow their business.” – Lisa Sunderman, Director of Enterprise Risk Management

“CPAs are in a position now to help their clients beyond filing Form 941-X by referring them to Raistone’s ERC program. Businesses are waiting months, and sometimes even over a year, to have their credit processed by the IRS. Raistone’s program is ideal for CPAs who are looking to provide their client with immediate funds that they can use to generate stability and to grow their business,” said Lisa.

Lisa’s in-depth understanding of taxes and IRS processes has brought a unique viewpoint to the team that developed Raistone’s ERC program. “Our program is designed to ensure that if our team does their job well, your client will receive cash now without worry about the IRS check to be collected in the future,” said Lisa.

When Lisa is not working to support Raistone, she enjoys spending time outdoors and getting active. During the winter months Lisa volunteers as a ski instructor, “It’s a lot of fun, and it’s a great way to embrace the winter,” shares Lisa. During the summer, she enjoys swimming in the many lakes and rivers around her home in Spokane, Washington.

Learn more about our ERC program for CPAs and tax professionals.

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