Case Studies

A Multinational Enterprise Resource Planning Platform
“More than three out of four approved users from this platform partner who engaged with Raistone ultimately accepted terms and received funding, proving to be an accessible solution for businesses that need working capital to grow. ”
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A Distribution and Transmission Construction Company
“Thanks to Raistone, our company grew our business, expanded into new regions, and removed cash flow constraints.”
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A Top 10 Architecture and Design Firm 
“Through a $10 million ARF facility, Raistone was able to offer our client nearly double the liquidity they had with their previous lender, with a competitive rate that was favorable compared to other offers they had received. ”
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A Leading Commercial Aircraft Parts Manufacturer 
“Raistone was able to assist this company by purchasing $200 million in invoices from their supply chain, helping them access much-needed cash and ensuring the continued success of all parties in the highly competitive aviation manufacturing industry. ”
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Pay On Behalf Client
“Our client earned a $4.4 million return on their purchasing. This earnings enhancement on their spend processed through Raistone directly contributed to additional income.”
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$10B Construction Company Wins Fortune 100 Client
“An innovative trade finance program from Raistone helped this leading construction company secure a contract with a global Fortune 100 company, allowing them to meet their working capital goals while quickly delivering benefits without implementation or minimum utilization.”
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Topple Diagnostics
“With Raistone’s embedded finance solution, NetSuite offered Topple an amazing financial management platform that also helped them secure the working capital they needed.”
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A Beverage Manufacturer and Distributor 
“With Raistone, this coffee supplier has been able to accelerate over $2.5 million in outstanding invoices, increasing their access to liquidity and ability to capture valuable growth opportunities in their market.”
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Creative Construction
“The Raistone piece, and the cash it has provided, has allowed us to take on more and more of these jobs, expand with other companies, and to get contracts that we didn’t even foresee would be possible. And it just keeps on increasing.”
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